America Timeline

So far, I've given these dates, I'll update this as I get more

Depart Australia: 10th January.

Arrive in LA: 10th January.

Depart LA: 10th January.

Arrive Minnesota: 10th January.

Depart Minnesota: 10th January.

Arrive Iowa: 10th January.

Depart Iowa: 10th January.

Arrive Nebraska: Either extremely late 10th Jan or extremely early 11th Jan.

So basically I leave Sydney on the 10th of January in the afternoon, then because I cross the International Time & Date line, I arrive in LA early 1oth of January. I then catch a plane to Minnesota at noon, and arrive there a few hours later. When I get my final plane to Iowa, it’s late afternoon and I arrive there late at night. By the time I’m out of customs and got my bag and met my host family, it’ll be even later, so by the time I get to my house an hour away, I’m betting It’ll be about 12 or 1 am on the 11th of January.

Depart USA: July.