Monday, 24 October 2011

Orientation Meeting

So since I last posted, I had my Orientation Meeting in the city, had to be at the venue at 10 so it could all start. In the lobby, I meet up with one of my sisters friends from school who's going to Germany the same time as me, but for a year. Went up to the room I had my meeting in, found my seat at the front with all my papers, shirt and bag, and talked to my friend, Claire, who's also going to the States at the same time until it started.
   Went through all the normal stuff, what to expect, what we're doing there yadda yadda yadda....then we had a break, ate some AMAZING biscuits that the hotel had made for us, met and chatted to a few of the people I've been talking to online, and talked to a returnee that had just come back in July.
    We then went back in for a second half, our exchange coordinator gave us each a lolly, then set the slide show back up,m and what's it about? Drugs, alcohol and sex...lovely I know...
    She did a brief, don't do drugs, we will find out...don't drink, we will find out, sex, think twice before you do it, then, think again about it, to close your door if you're going to, and not on the family lounge ;) Then she proceeded to tell us a few stories of people who stuffed up their exchange, one guy was caught drinking at a party and was sent home, one of a girl who sent a picture of herself in her underwear and was sent home, one of a girl who lied on her application and now my company can't use that area as host families because of what happened, and another of a girl who got caught doing the deed ;) while on exchange.
   After that, did a bit more of the basic stuff, don't go to a party that has alcohol or drugs, don't jig school that type of stuff.

In other news, I got all my Visa papers in the mail a few weeks back, all applied, now just have to go into the city to get it approved and some questions asked by the Visa people and I'll be all set to go!
Also, my friend Claire got a host family in Kentucky!! It's a pretty small town, only 1,500 people, about the size of my school, has four host sisters and a mum and dad! Looked up her house on Google Maps, and it looks beautiful!
   Haven't got mine yet, but hopefully soon :)

That's all for now :)
82 days!

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